Wisdom in the News

Lecture livestream: Human Nature & Potentials with Dr. Fan Yang

Join us on Monday, Feb 26th at 1:30 pm CST for our next lecture livestream from the University of Chicago Center for Practical Wisdom!

Fan Yang is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, the principal investigator of the Human Nature & Potentials Lab, and the lead investigator of the Moral Transcendence project at the Center for Practical Wisdom.

About the talk:

Life is marked by challenges and hardships, an undeniable reality of human existence that leads some thinkers to ponder the preference of never being born. While substantial research efforts have focused on making life more tolerable, my research investigates ways to enhance our living experiences, making them truly enjoyable and worthwhile. Our findings reveal promising pathways not only towards a tolerable life but also towards an elevated one, encompassing profound experiences of feeling good (characterized by happiness, meaning, and awe) and the pursuit of being good. The most encouraging aspect is that these elevations are not unreachable luxuries but well within the reach of each individual, aligning with our deeply rooted nature and untapped potential.

Register for the livestream by following this link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/h3qhbes