
Contribution of Practical Wisdom to Resolving Ethical Issues

Abstract: Evaluators often find themselves on ‘rough ground’ as they try to do the right thing and do it well. They face unanticipated ethical issues requiring decisions that are subtle and nuanced, and they do not always find the expected guidance in current ethics guidelines. In the present article, the authors offer practical wisdom as an alternative to the deontological approach. First, we develop this complex concept and illustrate its contribution to addressing and resolving ethical issues. Second, we present a study and the model that emerged from it to illustrate how practical wisdom contributes to finding solutions to ethical dilemmas and taking the necessary action.

Click on the citation to read the article:

Hurteau, M., & Gagnon, C. (2022). Contribution of Practical Wisdom to Resolving Ethical Issues EvaluationThe International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 1-10