
Understanding and Assessing Scientific Wisdom

Abstract: We applied a balance theory of wisdom to thinking in the domain of science. In two studies, we administered maximum-performance scales measuring Scientific Wisdom, Scientific Reasoning, Scientific Creativity, and fluid and crystallized intelligence, and a typical-performance scale of self-assessed wisdom. Our Scientific Wisdom scale, along with the Scientific Reasoning scales and a Scientific Creativity scale, loaded on one clear factor separate from the factor(s) on which the psychometric tests of intelligence, SAT and ACT scores, and GPA loaded. These results suggested that the scientific tests were assessing abilities that were different from g, as well as what the SAT/ACT and academic GPA were assessing. The studies are merely a starting point for a relatively new idea—that schools should consider teaching for and assessing scientific wisdom, and that a full analysis of scientific giftedness should include scientific wisdom. 

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Sternberg, R. J., Wong, C. H., & Baydil, B. (2024). Understanding and Assessing Scientific Wisdom. Roeper Review46(4), 304-321.