
Wisdom in the Age of AI Education

Abstract: The disruptive potential of artificial intelligence (AI) augurs a requisite evolutionary concern for artificial wisdom (AW). However, given both a dearth of institutionalized scientific impetus and culturally subjective understandings of wisdom, there is currently no consensus surrounding its future development. This article provides a succinct overview of wisdom within various cultural traditions to establish a foundational common ground for both its necessity and global functioning in the age of AI. This is followed by a more directed argument in favor of pedagogical practices that inculcate students with a theoretical/practical wisdom in support of individual/collective critical capacities directed at democratic planetary stewardship in the age of AI education. The article concludes with a distilled synthesis of wisdom philosophies as principles that establish a framework for the development of a new planetary ethics built upon a symbiotic relationship between humans-technology and nature.

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Peters, M. A., & Green, B. J. (2024). Wisdom in the Age of AI Education. Postdigital Science and Education, 1-23.