
Philosophy concepts can guide interventions aimed to promote wisdom in late life

Abstract: Positive Psychiatry has been defined as the science and practice that seeks to understand and promote well-being through assessments and interventions aimed at enhancing positive psychosocial factors (Jeste et al., 2015). It broadens the mandate of Psychiatry from treating psychopathology to enhancing the well-being of patients. Cultivation of wisdom is critical for personal growth because it can offer meaning and purpose to older adults who are forced to live with limitations. I wrote this essay based on my conviction that working to strengthen the wisdom of our older patients can augment their treatment, enrich their experiences, and improve the quality of their lives. Below, I outline concepts of contemporary philosophers to highlight the multifaceted nature of wisdom and to stimulate the development of evaluation and therapy strategies aimed to facilitate the growth of wisdom in our patients.

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Alexopoulos, G. S. (2024). Philosophy concepts can guide interventions aimed to promote wisdom in late life. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-4.