Suggested Reading List

A selection of wisdom based readings 

Topics in wisdom

Haidt, J. (2012). The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. New York: Pantheon Books. [link]

Hall, S. (2010). Wisdom from Philosophy to Neuroscience. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. [link]

Snow, N. (2008). The Philosophy and Psychology of Virtue: An Empirical Approach to Character and Happiness. Routledge Press. 

Sternberg, R. J. (1990). (Ed.), Wisdom: Its nature, origins and development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [link]

Sternberg, R.S., & Jordan, J. (Eds). (2005). A Handbook of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press. [link]

Sternberg, R. J. & Glück, J. (2019) (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.[link]

Thaler, R., & Sunstein, C. (2008). Nudge. Penguin. [link]

Tiberius, V. (2008). The Reflective Life: Living Wisely with our Limits. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [link]

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics, Book VI  [link]

Cooper, J.M. (2012).  Pursuits of Wisdom: Six Ways of Life in Ancient Philosophy from Socrates to Plotinus.  Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [link]

Hadot, P. (1995). Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault.  Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. [link]

Schreiner, S.E. (2011).  Are You Alone Wise? The Search for Certainty in the Early Modern Era.  New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc. [link]                

Ardelt, M. (2004). Wisdom as expert knowledge system: A critical review of a contemporary operationalization of an ancient concept. Human Development, 47(5), 257-285. [pdf]

Baltes, P. B., & Smith, J. (2008). The fascination of wisdom: Its nature, ontogeny, and function. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 3(1), 56-64. [link]

Bangen K.J., Meeks, T.W., & Jeste, D.V. (2013). Defining and assessing wisdom: A review of the literature. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21(12), 1254-1266. [link]

Ferrari, M. & Weststrate, N. (Eds.). (2012). The Scientific Study of Personal Wisdom: From Contemplative Traditions to Neuroscience. New York: Springer. [link]

Glück, J., König, S., Naschenweng, K., Redzanowski, U., Dorner, L., Straßer, I. & Wiedermann, W. (2013). How to measure wisdom: content, reliability, and validity of five measures. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 405. [link]

Meeks, T.W., & Jeste, D.V. (2009). The neurobiology of wisdom: A literature overview. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 66(4), 355-365. [pdf]

Davis, D.E., Worthington, E.L., Jr., Hook, J.N., Emmons, R.A., Hill, P.C., Bollinger, R.A., & Van Tongeren, D.R. (2013). Humility and the development and repair of social bonds: Two longitudinal studies. Self and Identity, 12, 58-77. [link]

Hook, J.N., Davis, D.E., Owen, J., Worthington, E.L., Jr., & Utsey, S.O. (2013). Cultural humility: Measuring openness to culturally diverse clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60, 353-366. [link]

Tangney, J.P. (2002). Humility. In C.R. Snyder & S.J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology (pp. 411-419). New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. [link]

Tiberius, V. (2012). Open-mindedness and Normative Contingency. In R. Shafer-Landau (Ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaethics, Volume 7, (pp. 182-204). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [link]

Greene, J.D., Morelli, S.A., Lowenberg, K., Nystrom, L.E., & Cohen, J.D. (2008). Cognitive load selectively interferes with utilitarian moral judgment. Cognition, 107, 1144-1154. [link]

Pagnoni, G., Cekic, M., & Guo, Y. (2008). Thinking about not-thinking: Neural correlates of conceptual processing during Zen meditation. PLoS One, 3, e3083. [link]

Paxton, J.M., Ungar, L., & Greene, J.D., (2011 ePub, 2012). Reflection and reasoning in moral judgment. Cognitive Science, 36(1), 163-177. [link]

Graham, J., Nosek, B. A., Haidt, J., Iyer, R., Koleva, S., & Ditto, P. H. (2011). Mapping the moral domain. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,101, 366-385. [link]

Greene, J.D., Nystrom, L.E., Engell, A.D., Darley, J.M., & Cohen, J.D. (2004). The neural bases of cognitive conflict and control in moral judgment. Neuron, 44, 389-400. [link]

Snow, N. (2006). Habitual virtuous actions and automaticity. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 9(5), 545-561. [link]

Snow, N. (2008). Virtue and flourishing. Journal of Social Philosophy, 39(2), 225-245. [link]

Duckworth, A.L. & Seligman, M.E.P. (2005). Self-discipline outdoes IQ predicting academic performance in adolescents. Psychological Science, 16, 939-944. [pdf]

Duckworth, A.L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M.D., & Kelly, D.R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087-1101. [pdf]

Mischel, W., Shoda, Y, Rodriguez, M.L., (1989). Delay of gratification in children. Science, 244, 933-938. [pdf]

Mullainathan, S., Kaur, S., & Kremer, M. (2010). Self control and the development of work arrangements. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 100, 624-628. [pdf]

Muraven, M., & Baumeister, R.F. (2000). Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle? Psychological Bulletin, 126, 247-259. [pdf]

Romer, D., Duckworth, A.L., Sznitman, S., & Park, S. (2010). Can adolescents learn self control? Delay of gratification in the development of control over risk taking. Prevention Science, 11(3), 319-330. [link]

Amir, O., Ariely, D., Cooke, A., Dunning, D., Epley, N., Koszegi, B., Lichtenstein, D., Mazar, N., Mullainathan, S., Prelec, D., Shafir, E., & Silva, J. (2005). Behavioral economics, psychology, and public policy. Marketing Letters, 16 (3-4), 443-454. [link]

Greene, J.D. & Cohen J.D. (2004). For the law, neuroscience changes nothing and everything. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B (Special Issue on Law and the Brain), 359, 1775-1785. [pdf]

Kamenica, E., Mullainathan, S., & Thaler, R. (2011). Helping consumers know themselves. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings,101(3), 417-22. [link]

Mullainathan, S., Bertrand, M. & Shafir, E. (2004). A behavioral economics view of poverty. American Economic Review, 94(2), 419-423. [link]

Zeki, S. & Goodenough, O., (Eds.). (2006). Law and the Brain. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. [link]

Duckworth, A.L., Quinn, P.D., & Seligman, M.E.P. (2009). Positive predictors of teacher effectiveness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 19, 540-547. [link]

Edmondson, R, & Pearce, J. (2007). The practice of health care: Wisdom as a model. Med Health Care Philos., 10, 233-244. [link]

Kaldjian, L.C. (2010). Teaching practical wisdom in medicine through clinical judgement, goals of care, and ethical reasoning. Journal of Medical Ethics, 36, 558-562. [link]

Kaldjian, L.C. (2014). Practicing Medicine and Ethics: Integrating Wisdom, Conscience, and Goals of Care. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press. [link]

Krause, N. (2012). Religious involvement, humility, and change in self-rated health over time. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 40, 199-210. [pdf]

Kuhn, D. & Udell, W. (2001). The path to wisdom. Educational Psychologist, 36, 261-264. [pdf]

Stanovich, K.E. (2001). The rationality of educating for wisdom. Educational Psychologist, 36, 247-251. [pdf]

Sternberg, R.J. (2001). How wise is it to teach for wisdom? A reply to five critiques. Educational Psychologist, 36(4), 269-272. [pdf]

Sternberg, R.J. (2001). Why schools should teach for wisdom: The balance theory of wisdom in educational settings. Educational Psychologist, 36, 227-245. [pdf]

Sternberg. R. J. (2003). Wisdom and education. Gifted Education International, 17, 233-248. [link]

Ardelt, M. (2010). Are older adults wiser than college students? A comparison of two age cohorts. Journal of Adult Development, 17(4), 193-207. [link]

Duckworth, A.L., Weir, D., Tsukayama, E., & Kwok, D. (2012). Who does well in life? Conscientious adults excel in both objective and subjective success. Frontiers in Personality Science and Individual Differences, 3(356), 1-8. [link]

Sternberg, R. J., Nusbaum, H. C., & Glück, J. (Eds.). (2019). Applying wisdom to contemporary world problems. Springer. [link]

Tiberus, V. (2010). Wisdom and work. In M.R. Haney & A.D. Kline (Eds.), The Value of Time and Leisure in a World of Work (pp. 119-138). Plymouth, U.K.: Lexington Books. [link]

Tiberus, V. (2013). Recipes for a good life: Eudaimonism and the contribution of philosophy. In A. Waterman (Ed.), The Best Within Us: Positive Psychology Perspectives on Eudaimonic Functioning (pp. 19-38). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. [link]

Wisdom bibliographies

The following is a compilation of references concerning wisdom from various disciplines. This literature review provides a solid foundation for exploring important conceptions of wisdom.

Some references on ancient studies and conceptions of wisdom. The references in this first section are predominantly previous to the old testament.

• Foster, B.R. 1974. Wisdom and the gods in ancient Mesopotamia. Orientalia 43: 344-354

• Gordon, E. I. 1968. Sumerian proverbs: Glimpses of everyday life in ancient Mesopotamia. New York: Greenwood Press.

• Gordon, E. I. 1960. A new look at the Wisdom of Summer and Akkad. Bibliotheca Orientalis 17: S5-78.

• Lambert, W. G. 1960. Babylonian wisdom literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

• Rudolph, K. 1987. Wisdom. In M. Eliade (Ed.), The encyclopedia of religion (Vol. 15, pp. 393-401). New York: Macmillan.

• Lin, Y. 1943. The wisdom of Confucius. New York: Random House.

• Brown, B. 1938. The wisdom of the Chinese: Their philosophy in sayings and in proverbs. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing.

• Humphreys, S. 1961. The wisdom of Buddhism. New York: Random House.

Part of the literature on the anthropology of wisdom overlaps with the psychological (e.g. study of cultural differences in the concept and development of wisdom, see e.g. Takahashi below) and ancient literature on wisdom. One good summary, however, of the study of wisdom as dealt with by anthropologists is the volume compiled by the egyptologist Aleida Assmann (1991, see below).

• Assmann, A. 2000. Weisheit und Mysterium. Das Bild der Griechen von Ägypten. Munchen.

• Assmann, A. 1994. Wholesome knowledge: concepts of wisdom in a historical and cross-cultural perspective. In D. L. Featherman & R. M. Lerner & M. Perlmutter (Eds.), Life-span development and behavior. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.

• Assmann, A. 1991. Weisheit: Archäologie der literarischen Kommunikation III. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.

• Assman, A. 1979. Weisheit, Loyalismus und Frömmigkeit. In: E. Hornung, O. Keel (Hrsg.), Studien zu altägyptischen Lebenslehren (Orbis Biblicus et Orient. 28), Fribourg und Göttingen, 11-72.

• Bandyopadhyay, S. 2001. Folk wisdom and cognition: an exploratory appraisal on ethnoscience. Journal of Human Ecology 12: 233-7.

• Blumenberg, H. 1987. An anthropological approach to the contemporary significance of rhetoric. In K. Baynes, J. Bohman & T. McCarthy (eds.), After philosophy: end or transformation. Cambridge, MIT Press.

• Bonewitz, R. 2000. Timeless wisdom of the Maya. London, Hodder & Stoughton.

• Bryce, A. 1979. A Legacy of Wisdom: The Egyptian Contribution to the Wisdom of Israel. Lewisburg-London.

• Denning-Bolle, S.J. 1987. Wisdom and dialogue in the ancient Near East. Numen. 34: 214-34.

• Fontaine, C.R. 1981. A modern look at ancient wisdom: the instruction of Ptahhotep revisited. Biblical archaeology. 44: 155-60.

• Fox, M.V. 1980. Two decades of research in Egyptian wisdom literature. ZAS 170: 120-135.

• Gadoffre, G. 1991. Les sagesses du monde, Paris.

• Goedicke 1962. A neglected wisdom text [illus.] Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 48: 25-35.

• Gutas, D. 1981. Classical Arabic wisdom literature: nature and scope. Journal of the American Oriental Society 101: 49-86.

• Harris, L., Sachs, S.M., Broome, B.J. 1996. Returning to harmony: a Comanche effort to reactivate the wisdom of the people Native Americas. 13:3 pp 48-53.

• Hertzler, J. O., The Social Wisdom in the Ancient Egyptian Precepts.Social Forces, 12:1/4.

• Hertzler, J.O. The Social Wisdom of the Primitives with Special Reference to Their Proverbs. Social Forces 11:1/4

• Hirschfeld, L.A. 1988. On acquiring social categories: cognitive development and anthropological wisdom. Man. 23 pp 611-38.

• Kaufmann, W. O. 1996. The anthropology of wisdom literature. London: Bergin & Garvey.

• Levitt, H.M. 1999. The development of wisdom: An analysis of Tibetan Buddhist experience. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 39: 86-105.

• Lichtheim, M. 1983. The late Egyptian wisdom literature in the international context. A study of demotic instructions. Orbis bibl. et. or. 52. Fribourg.

• Maybury-Lewis, D. 1992. Millenium: tribal wisdom and the modern world. Viking Press.

• McConchie, P. 2003. Elders: wisdom from Australia's indigenous leaders. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• McFadden, S. 1994. The little book of Native American wisdom. Shaftesbury: Element.

• Mursell, G. 1997. The wisdom of the Anglo-Saxons. Oxford: Lion.

• Parker, M. 1998. The beginning of wisdom [with comments by A Sherratt, see this issue, 699-702] Antiquity. 72:277 pp 680-6.

• Romualdez, A.V. 1964. Towards a History of the Renaissance Idea of Wisdom. Studies in the Renaissance 11:133.

• Rosenmayr, L. 1988. More than wisdom: a field study of the old in an African village. Journal of cross-cultural gerontology 3: 21-40

• Shweder, R. A. 1991. Thinking through cultures. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

• Takahashi, M. & Overton, W.F. 2002. Wisdom: A culturally inclusive developmental perspective. International Journal of Behavioural Development 26: 269-277.

• Takahashi, M. & Bordia, P. 2000. The concept of wisdom: A cross-cultural comparison International Journal of Psychology 35: 1-9.

• Voigt, A. & Drury, N. 1998. Wisdom from the earth: the living legacy of the Aboriginal dreamtime. Boston: Shambhala.

• Yang, S.Y. 2001. Conceptions of wisdom among Taiwanese Chinese. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32: 662-680.

• Zimmerman Larry, J. & Molyneaux, B. 1996. Native North America. London: Macmillan.

Although the concept of wisdom is virtually not addressed in the biological sciences (since it involves the existence of cognitive competencies such as reasoning, consciousness which still cannot be attributed to living being other than humans), a related literature is that on the evolution of intelligence/cognition and on the comparison of cognitive capacities across animal taxa.

• Byrne, R.W. & Whiten, A. 1988. Machiavellian intelligence: social expertise and the evolution of intelligence in monkeys, apes and humans. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

• Byrne, R. W. 1995. Primate cognition - comparing problems and skills. American Journal of Primatology, 37, 127-141.

• Byrne, R. W. 2000. Evolution of primate cognition. Cognitive Science, 24, 543-570.

• Cheney, D., Seyfarth, R. & Smuts, B. 1986. Social relationships and social cognition in nonhuman-primates. Science, 234, 1361-1366.

• Deacon, T. W. 1990. Fallacies of progression in theories of brain-size evolution. International Journal of Primatology, 11, 193-236.

• Dunbar, R. I. M. 1998. The social brain hypothesis. Evolutionary Anthropology, 6, 178-190.

• Flinn, M. V. 1997. Culture and the evolution of social learning. Evolution and Human Behavior, 18, 23-67.

• Foley, R. 1990. The causes of brain enlargement in human evolution. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 354-355.

• Geary, D. C. & Huffman, K. J. 2002. Brain and cognitive evolution: Forms of modularity and functions of mind. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 667-698.

• Gibson, K. R. 2002. Evolution of human intelligence: The roles of brain size and mental construction. Brain Behavior and Evolution, 59, 10-20.

• Harvey, P. H. & Krebs, J. R. 1990. Comparing Brains. Science, 249, 140-146.

• Healy, S. D. & Harvey, P. H. 1990. Comparative studies of the brain and its components. Netherlands Journal of Zoology, 40, 203-214.

• Humphrey, N.K. 1976. The social function of the intellect. In: Growing Points in Ethology (Ed. by Bateson, P. P. G. & Hinde, R. A.), pp. 303-317. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Jerison, H.J. 1973. Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence. New York: Academic Press.

• Joffe, T. H. 1997. Social pressures have selected for an extended juvenile period in primates. Journal of Human Evolution, 32, 593-605.

• Kaas, J. H. & Collins, C. E. 2001. Evolving ideas of brain evolution. Nature, 411, 141-142.

• Kaplan, H. S. & Robson, A. J. 2002. The emergence of humans: The coevolution of intelligence and longevity with intergenerational transfers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99, 10221-10226.

• Keverne, E. B., Martel, F. L. & Nevison, C. M. 1996. Primate brain evolution: Genetic and functional considerations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 263, 689-696.

• Kudo, H. & Dunbar, R. I. M. 2001. Neocortex size and social network size in primates. Animal Behaviour, 62, 711-722.

• Lipp, H. P. 1995. Genetic variability, individuality and the evolution of the mammalian brain. Behavioural Processes, 35, 19-33.

• Macphail, E. M. & Bolhuis, J. J. 2001. The evolution of intelligence: adaptive specializations versus general process. Biological Reviews, 76, 341-364.

• Mondragon-Ceballos, R. 2002. Machiavellian intelligence of primates and evolution of social brain. Salud Mental, 25, 29-39.

• Reader, S. M. 2003. Innovation and social learning: individual variation and brain evolution. Animal Biology, 53, 147-158.

• Reader, S. M. & Laland, K. N. 2002. Social intelligence, innovation, and enhanced brain size in primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99, 4436-4441.

• Reader, S. M. & Laland, K. N. 2003. Animal innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Richerson, P. J. & Boyd, R. 2001. Climate, culture and the evolution of cognition. In: The evolution of cognition (Ed. by Heyes, C. & Huber, L.), pp. 329-347. London: MIT Press.

• Sawaguchi, T. 1990. Relative Brain Size, Stratification, and Social-Structure in Anthropoids. Primates, 31, 257-272.

• Sawaguchi, T. 1997. Possible involvement of sexual selection in neocortical evolution of monkeys and apes. Folia Primatologica, 68, 95-99.

• Sawaguchi, T. & Kudo, H. 1990. Neocortical Development and Social-Structure in Primates. Primates, 31, 283-289.

• Seyfarth, R. M. & Cheney, D. L. 2002. What are big brains for? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99, 4141-4142.

• Steele, J. 1989. Hominid Evolution and Primate Social Cognition. Journal of Human Evolution, 18, 421-432.

• Stephens, D. W. 1991. Change, regularity and value in the evolution of animal learning. Behavioural Ecology, 2, 77-89.

• van Schaik, C. P. & Pradhan, G. R. 2003. A model for tool-use traditions in primates: implications for the coevolution of culture and cognition. Journal of Human Evolution, 44, 645-664.

• Whiting, B. A. & Barton, R. A. 2003. The evolution of the cortico-cerebellar complex in primates: anatomical connections predict patterns of correlated evolution. Journal of Human Evolution, 44, 3-10.

Philosophy is defined by many as the love or pursuit of Wisdom (in fact, Philosophy takes its name from it: philosophía means love of wisdom). Probably the first philosophically important treatment of wisdom is Socrates' identification of knowledge and virtue. In fact, the identification of 'Wisdom' as having to do with Reason remains a strong tradition in the history of western philosophy. The references hereby listed are divided into four main sections: (i) Greek Philosophy, (ii) Wisdom in the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, (iii) Contemporaneous Literature and general references on wisdom in philosophy and (iv) the Philosophy of Rationality.

Greek Philosophy

The Western tradition in the philosophy of wisdom began mainly with the three classical Greek philosophers (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle), who (especially Aristotle) tried to understand wisdom through rational analysis, and not by recourse to religion or rules and regulations.

• Ackah, E. K. 2003. Socratic Wisdom. History of Philosophy Quarterly, 20, 123-147.

• Annas, J. 1992. Hellenistic philosophy of mind. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

• Benson, H. H. 1996. The aims of the socratic Elenchos. In K. Lehrer, B. J. Lum, B. A. Slichta, & N. D. Smith (Eds.), Knowledge, teaching and wisdom (pp. 21-33). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

• Benson H.H. 1999. Socratic wisdom: the model of knowledge in Plato's early dialogues. New York: Oxford University Press.

• Bremmer, J. 1987. The early Greek concept of the soul. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

• Calef, S. W. 1996. What good is human wisdom? In K. Lehrer, B. J. Lum, B. A. Slichta, & N. D. Smith (Eds.), Knowledge, teaching and wisdom (pp. 35-47). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

• Celano, A. J. 1995. The end of practical wisdom: Ethics as science in the thirteenth century. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 33, 225-243.

• Cooper, J. M. 1986. Reason and human good in Aristotle. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett.

• Gooch, P. 1974. The Relation Between Wisdom and Virture in "Phaedo" 69a-c3. Journal of the History of Philosophy 12:2.

• Jowett, B. (transl.) 1942. The Dialogues of Plato (2 volumes). New York, Random House.

• Kakoliris, G. 2003. Refuting Fortenbaugh: The Relationship between Ethike Arete and Phronesis in Aristotle. Philosophia, 33, 183-193.

• Marback, R. 1999. Plato's dream of sophistry. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.

• Nozick, R. 1997. Socratic puzzles. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

• Nussbaum, M. C. 1986. The fragility of goodness: Luck and ethics in Greek tragedy and philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.

• Rorty, A. O. 1980. Essays on Aristotle's "Ethics". Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

• Schumacher, E. 2000. Reading Aristotle against Himself: Priviledging Practical Wisdom over Theoretical Wisdom. Dialogue, 42, 39-45.

• Thompson, M. R. 2002. The wisdom of the ancient

Five books of the Old Testament are generally considered the "Wisdom Books": Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, Sirach, and The Wisdom of Solomon.

• Blenkinsopp, J. (1983). Wisdom and law in the Old Testament. New York: Oxford University Press.

• Clarke, E. G. (1973). The wisdom of Solomon: Commentary by Clarke. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

• Collins, J. J. 1998. Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age. Old Testament Library. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox.

• Crenshaw, J. L. (1981). Old Testament wisdom: An introduction. Atlanta: John Knox Press.

• Crenshaw, J. L. (1995). Urgent Advice and Probing Questions: Collected Writings on Old Testament Wisdom. Macon, GA.

• Kidner, D. (1985). The wisdom of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes: An introduction to wisdom literature. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

• Lang, B. (1986). Wisdom and the Book of Proverbs. New York: The Pilgrim Press.

• Morgan, D. F. (1981). Wisdom in the Old Testament traditions. Atlanta: John Knox Press.

• Murphy, R. E. (1981). Wisdom literature: Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes and Esther. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.

• Novack, P. 1996. The world's wisdom: sacred texts from the world's religions. New Jersey, Castle Books.

• O'Connor, K. M. (1988). The Wisdom Literature. Wilmington, DE.

• Perdue, R. 1994. Wisdom and creation: the theology of wisdom literature. Nashville, Abingdon Press.

• Perry, T. A. (1993). Wisdom literature and the structure of proverbs. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

• Scott, R. B. Y. (1970). The study of the wisdom literature. Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, 24, 20-45.

• Scott, R. B. Y. (1971). The Way of Wisdom in the Old Testament. London - New York.

• Templeton, J. 2002. Wisdom from world religions. Pathways toward heaven on Earth. John Templeton Foundation Press.

• Williams, J. G. (1980). The Power of Form: A Study of Biblical Proverbs. Semeia 17: 35-58.

• Winston, D. 1979. The wisdom of Solomon. New York.

• Zimmerli, W. 1964. The place and limit of wisdom in the framework of the Old Testament theology. Scottish Journal of Theology 17: 148

• Atari, W. A. 1985. Rules, rationality and wisdom: The central themes in Winch's philosophy. Colchester: University of Essex.

• Campbell, J. 1991. Philosophers and the Nature of Wisdom. Metaphilosophy XXII/1-2, 41-49.

• Clark, M. T. 2000. Wisdom: Yesterday and Today. International Philosophical Quarterly, 40, 185-195.

• Engstrom, S. 1997. Kant's Conception of Practical Wisdom. Kant Studien, 88, 16-43.

• Garrett, R. 1996. Three definitions of wisdom. In K. Lehrer, B. J. Lum, B. A. Slichta, & N. D. Smith (Eds.), Knowledge, teaching and wisdom, pp. 221-232. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

• Godlovitch, S. 1994. On Wisdom. Thinking, 11: 14-21.

• Golding, J. L. 1996. The question of wisdom in the contemporary academy. In K. Lehrer, B. J. Lum, B. A. Slichta, & N. D. Smith (Eds.), Knowledge, teaching and wisdom (pp. 267-277). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

• Habermehl, L. L. 1995. The counterfeit wisdom of shallow minds: A critique of some leading offenders of the 1980s. New York: Peter Lang.

• Hartshorne, C. 1987. Wisdom as moderation: A philosophy of the middle way. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

• Jaspers, K. 1951. Way to wisdom: An introduction to philosophy. London: Victor Gollancz.

• Kant, I. 1965. Critique of pure reason. Toronto, Macmillan.

• Kaplan, A. 1977. In pursuit of wisdom: the scope of philosophy. Beverly Hills: Glencoe Press.

• Kekes, J. 1995. Moral wisdom and good lives. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

• Kekes, J. 1983. Wisdom. American Philosophical Quarterly 20:277-286.

• Kohl, M. 2001. Wisdom and the Axiom of Futility. Philosophical Forum, 32, 73-93.

• Lehrer, K., Lum, B. J., Slichta, B. A., & Smith, N. D. 1996. Knowledge, teaching and wisdom. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

• Maxwell, N. 1984. From knowledge to wisdom. New York: Basil Blackwell.

• May, K. M. 1993. Nietzsche on the struggle between knowledge and wisdom. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan.

• Midgley, M. 1989. Wisdom, Information, and Wonder: What is Knowledge for? London, UK: Routeledge.

• Mitchell Helen, B. 1996. Roots of wisdom : speaking the language of philosophy. London: Wadsworth.

• Oelmüller, W. 1989. Philosophie und Weisheit. Paderborn: Schöningh.

• Ryan, S. 1999. What Is Wisdom? Philosophical Studies.

• Ryan, S. 1996. Wisdom. In K. Lehrer, B. J. Lum, B. A. Slichta, & N. D. Smith (Eds.), Knowledge, teaching and wisdom (pp. 233-242). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

• Semane, T. 1995. The Image of Wisdom and the Wise Man in the History of European Philosophy. History of European Ideas.

• Williams, H. 1992. Morality or Prudence? Kant Studien, 83: 222-225.

Modern Philosophical Conceptions of Wisdom show some overlap with the philosophical literature on the nature of rationality.

• Bratman, M. E. 1987. Intention, plans and practical reason. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

• Nozick, R. 1993. The nature of rationality. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

• Rescher, N. 1988. Rationality: A philosophical inquiry into the nature and the rational of reason. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.

• Saatkamp, H. J. J. 1995. Rorty and pragmatism. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.

The following references are mainly related to the various aspects of decision-making, problem-solving, the development of abilities such as persuation, leadership and negotiation and to various aspects of expertise and creativity in different domains. The references are divided in the following sections: (1) Judgement, Reasoning and Decision-Making, focusing on the cognitive aspects of the decision making process, how it is influenced by the use frugal heuristics and choices rules as well as by the decision maker's judgment and perception of the decision problem; (2) The art of persuation, negotiation and management and (3) Leadership and performance.

Judgement, Reasoning and Decision-Making (mostly studies conducted by cognitive psychologists and some experimental economists. Includes references on the use of fast and frugal heuristics for making choices, bounded rationality and on decision-making under uncertainty).

• Arkes, H.R. 1991. Costs and benefits of judgment errors: implications for debiasing. Psychological Bulletin 110: 486-498.

• Barlas, S. 2003. When choices give in to temptations: explaining the disagreement among importance measures. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 91: 310-321.

• Beach, L. R. 1990. Image theory: Decision making in personal and organizational contexts. John Wiley, England.

• Bown, N.J., Read, D., and Summers, B. 2003. The lure of choice. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 16, 297-308.

• Broadbent, D.E., Fitzgerald, P. & Broadbent, M.H.P. 1985. Implicit and explicit knowledge in the control of complex systems. British Journal of Psychology 77: 45-82.

• Busemeyer, J., Hastie, R. & Medin, D. L. 1995. Decision making from a cognitive perspective. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

• Camerer, C. 1995. Individual decision making. In: Kagel, J.H. & Roth, A.E. (eds.): Handbook of Experimental Economics, 587-703. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

• Camerer, C. & Weber, M. 1992. Recent developments in modelling preferences: uncertainty and ambiguity, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 5: 325-370.

• Caverni, J., Bar-Hillel, M.; Hutton-Barron, F. & Jungermann, H. 1995. Contributions to Decision Making. Amsterdam, North Holland.

• Cooksey, R.W. 1996. Judgment Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Applications. London: Academic Press.

• Cosmides, L. & Tooby J. 1996. Are humans good intuitive statisticians after all? Cognition 58: 1-73.

• Dawes, R. 1988. Rational choice in an uncertain world. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

• Dilla, W.D. & Stone, D.N. 1997. Response Scales in risk judgments: the effects of representation, fineness, and user choice. Journal of Information Systems 11: 75-96.

• Edwards, W. & Fasolo, B. 2001. Decision Technology. Annual Review of Psychology, 52: 581-606.

• Evans, J. & Over, D. 1996. Rationality in the selection task: epistemic utility versus uncertain reduction. Psychological Review 103: 356-363.

• Fischhoff, B. 1975. Hindsight / foresight: The effect of outcome knowledge on judgement under uncertainty. Journal of Experimental Psychology (Human Perception and Performance) 1: 288-299.

• Fischhoff, B., Slovic, P. & Lichtenstein, S. 1977. Knowing with certainty: the appropriateness of extreme confidence. In Arkes, Hal R. (Ed); Hammond, Kenneth R. (Ed). (1986). Judgment and decision making: An interdisciplinary reader. (pp. 397-416). New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press..

• Fox, J. 1980. Making decisions under the influence of memory. Psychological Review 87: 190-211.

• Fox, J., & Cooper, R. 1996. Cognitive processing and knowledge representation in decision making under uncertainty. In Scholz, & Zimmer (Eds.), Qualitative Theories of Decision Making. Pabst Science Publishers, Germany.

• Gigerenzer, G. & Selten, R. 2002. Bounded rationality: the adaptive toolbox. MIT Press. Gigerenzer, G. 1999. Simple Heuristics that Make Us Smart. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Gigerenzer G. 1996. On narrow norms and vague heuristics: reply. Psychological Review 103: 592-596.

• Gigerenzer G. and Goldstein D. 1996. Reasoning the fast and frugal way: Models of bounded rationality. Psychological Review 103: 650-669.

• Gigerenzer G. and Hoffrage U. 1995. How to improve Bayesian reasoning without instruction: frequency formats. Psychological Review 102: 684-704.

• Gigerenzer G. 1993. The superego, the ego and the id in statistical reasoning. in Keren G. & Lewis C. A Handbook for data analysis in the behavioural sciences. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum.

• Gigerenzer, G. 1991. From tools to theories: a heuristic of discovery in cognitive psychology. Psychological Review 98: 254 - 267.

• Gigerenzer, G., Hoffrage, U. & Kleinboelting. H. 1991. Probabilistic mental models: A Brunswickian theory of confidence. Psychological Review 98: 506 - 28.

• Gilovich, T. Griffin, D. & Kahneman, K. 2002. Heuristics and biases: the psychology of intuitive judgment. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

• Goldstein, W. and Beattie, J. 1991. Judgments of relative importance in decision making: the importance of interpretation and the interpretation of importance. In D.R. Brown and J.E.K Smith (eds) Frontiers of Mathematical Psychology: Essays in Honor of Clyde Coombs. New York: Springer-Verlag.

• Goldstein, W.M. & Hogarth, R. M. 1997. Research on judgment and decision making: currents, connections, and controversies, Cambridge series on judgment and decision making. New York: Cambridge University Press.

• Greyer, E.H. Paynes, J.W., and Bettman, J.R. 1990. The impact of effort and accuracy feedback and goals on adaptive decision behavior. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 3: 1-16.

• Hammond, K.R., McClelland, G.H. & Mumpower, J. 1980. Human Judgement and Decision Making. New York: Praeger.

• Harries, C. & Harvey, N. 2000. Taking advice, using information and knowing what you are doing. Acta Psychologica 104: 399-416.

• Harte, J.M. & Koele, P. 1995. A comparison of different methods for the elicitation of attribute weights: structural modeling, process tracing, and self-reports. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 64: 49-64.

• Harvey, N. 2001. Studying judgment: general issues. Thinking and Reasoning 7: 113-118.

• Harvey, N. 1995. Why are judgments less consistent in less predictable task situations? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 63: 247-263.

• Harvey, N. 1990. Judgmental control of the behaviour of a dynamic system. In K.J.Gilhooly, M.T.G. Keane, R.H. Logie and G.Erdos (eds) Lines of Thinking: Reflections on the Psychology of Thought, pp. 337-352. New York: Wiley.

• Hastie, R. & Dawes, R.M. 2001. Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: the psychology of judgement and decision-making. Sage Publications: UK.

• Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. 1999. The 'conjunction fallacy' revisited: how intelligent inferences look like reasoning errors. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 12: 275 - 305.

• Hogarth, R. 1980. Judgement and Choice. John Wiley and Sons.

• Janis, I.L. & Mann, L. 1977. Decision Making. New York: Free Press.

• Jepson, D., Krantz, D.H. and Nisbett, R.E. 1983. Inductive Reasoning: competence or skill? Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6: 494-501.

• Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. 2000. Choices, Values and Frames. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

• Kahneman D. & Tversky A. 1996. On the reality of cognitive illusions. Psychological Review 103: 582-591.

• Kahneman D. & Tversky A. 1984. Choices Values and Frames. American Psychologist 39: 341-350.

• Kahneman, D., Slovic, P. and Tversky, A. 1982. Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

• Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. 1982. On the study of statistical intuitions. Cognition 11: 123-141.

• Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. 1972. Subjective probability: a judgement of representativeness. Cognitive Psychology 3: 430-454.

• Kaplan, M. & Schwartz, S. 1975. Human Judgement and Decision Processes. New York: Academic Press.

• Klein, G. 1998.Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

• Klein, G. Orasanu, J., Calderwood, R. and Zsambok, C.E. 1993. Decision Making in Action: Models and Methods. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

• Kleindorfer, P.R., Kunreuther, H.C. & Schoemaker, P.J.H. (1993). Decision Sciences: An Integrative Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Koehler D.J. and Harvey N. (eds) 2003. Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making. Oxford: Blackwell.

• Larrick, R.P., Nisbett, R.E. & Morgan, J.N. 1993. Who uses the cost-benefit rules of choice? Implications for the normative status of microeconomic theory. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 56: 331-347.

• Lerner, J.S. and Tetlock. P.E. 1999. Accounting for the effects of accountability. Psychological Review 125: 225-275.

• Lindley, D. V. 1985. Making decisions. John Wiley: England.

• Lozinskii, E. 1994. Information and evidence in logic systems. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 6: 163-193.

• Macdonald R. R. 1986. Credible conceptions and implausible probabilities. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 39: 15-27.

• Macdonald R. R. 1997. On statistical testing in psychology. British Journal of Psychology 88: 333-347.

• Maule, A., Hockey, G. R. J., Bdzola L (2000). Effects of time pressure on decision making under uncertainty: changes in affective state and information processing strategy. Acta Psychologica, 104, 283 - 301.

• Nisbett, R.E. 1993. Rules for Reasoning. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

• Nisbett, R.E. and Wilson, T.D. 1977 Telling more than we know: verbal reports on mental processes. Psychological Review 84: 231-258.

• Oaksford, M and Chater, N. 1996. Rational explanation of the selection task. Psychological Review 103: 381-391.

• Oaksford, M. and Chater, N. 1994. A rational analysis of the selection task as optimal data selection. Psychological Review 101: 608-631.

• Payne, J.W., Bettman, J.R., and Johnson, E.J. 1993. The Adaptive Decision Maker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Perkins D. N., Faraday M., & Bushey B. 1991. Everyday reasoning and the roots of intelligence. In J. F. Voss, D. N. Perkins & J. W. Segal Informal reasoning and Education (p83-105). Hillsdale, New jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum.

• Plous, S. 1993. The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

• Rappoport, L. & Summers, D. 1973. Human Judgement and Social Interaction. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

• Reilly, B.A. & Doherty, M.E. 1992. The Assessment of Self-Insight in Judgment Policies. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 53, 285-309.

• Reilly, B.A. & Doherty, M.E. 1989. A Note on the Assessment of Self-Insight in Judgment Research. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 44, 123-131.

• Reiter, R. 1980. A logic for default reasoning, Artificial Intelligence 13: 81-132.

• Sedlmeier, P. 1999. Improving Statistical Reasoning: Theoretical Models and Practical Implications. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

• Schank R. C. & Langer E. 1994. Beliefs, reasoning and decision making. New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum.

• Shanks, D.R. and St.John, M.F. 1994. Characteristics of dissociable human learning systems. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17: 367-447.

• Schneider, S. & Shanteau, J. 2003. Emerging Perspectives on Judgment and Decision Research. Cambridge Series on Judgment and Decision Making. Cambridge University Press.

• Simon, H. 1982. Models of Bounded Rationality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

• Slovik, P., Fischhoff, B. & Lichtenstein, S. 1977. Behavioral decision theory. Annual Review of Psychology 28: 1 - 39.

• Todd, F.J. and Hammond, K.R. 1965. Differential feedback in two multiple-cue probability learning tasks. Behavioral Science 10: 429-435.

• Tversky A. 1974. Assessing uncertainty. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 2: 148-159.

• Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. 1987. Rational choice and the framing of decisions. In Hogarth, Robin M. (Ed); Reder, Melvin W. (Ed). (1987). Rational choice: The contrast between economics and psychology. (pp. 67-94). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

• Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. 1983. Extensional versus intuitive reasoning: the conjunction fallacy in probability judgment. Psychological Review 90: 293 - 315.

• Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. 1981. The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice. Science. 211: 453-458.

• Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. 1974. Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Science 185: 1124-1131.

• Tversky, A. & Kahneman, D. 1973. Availability: A heuristic for judging frequency and probability. Cognitive Psychology 5: 207-232.

• White, P.A. 1988. Knowing more about what we can tell: 'Introspective access' and causal report accuracy 10 years later. British Journal of Psychology 79: 13-45.

• Zsambok, C.E., and Klein, G. 1997. Naturalistic Decision Making. Mahawah, NJ: Erlbaum.

• Connelly, M.S., Gilbert, J.A., Zaccaro, S.J., Threlfall, K.V., Marks, M.A. & Mumford, M.D. 2000. Exploring the relationship of leadership skills and knowledge to leader performance. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 65-86.

• Covey, S.R. 1990. Principle centered leadership. New York. Fireside Books.

• Covey, S.R. 1989. The seven habits of highly sucessfull people. New York. Fireside Books.

• Covey, S.R. 1999. The seven habits of highly effective teens. Stal Lake City. Franklin Convey Company.

• Ensari, N. & Murphy, S.E. 2003. Cross-cultural variations in leadership perceptions and attribution of charisma to the leader. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 92: 52-66.

• Hogan, R., Curphy, G.J. & Hogan, J. 1994. What We Know About Leadership - Effectiveness and Personality. American Psychologist, 49: 493-504.

• Kellett, J.B., Humphrey, R.H. & Sleeth, R.G. 2002. Empathy and complex task performance: two routes to leadership. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 523-544.

• Marshall-Mies, J.C., Fleishman, E.A., Martin, J.A., Zaccaro, S.J., Baughman, W.A. & McGee, M.L. 2000. Development and evaluation of cognitive and metacognitive measures for predicting leadership potential. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 135-153.

• Mumford, M.D., Connelly, S. & Gaddis, B. 2003. How creative leaders think: Experimental findings and cases. Leadership Quarterly, 14: 411-432.

• Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Connelly, M.S. & Marks, M.A. 2000a. Leadership skills: Conclusions and future directions. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 155-170.

• Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Harding, F.D., Jacobs, T.O. & Fleishman, E.A. 2000b. Leadership skills for a changing world: Solving complex social problems. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 11-35.

• Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Johnson, J.F., Diana, M., Gilbert, J.A. & Threlfall, K.V. 2000c. Patterns of leader characteristics: Implications for performance and development. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 115-133.

• Reiter-Palmon, R. & Illies, J.J. 2004. Leadership and creativity: Understanding leadership from a creative problem-solving perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 15: 55-77.

• Riggio, R.E., Riggio, H.R., Salinas, C. & Cole, E.J. 2003. The role of social and emotional communication skills in leader emergence and effectiveness. Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice, 7: 83-103.

• Smith, J.A. & Foti, R.J. 1998. A pattern approach to the study of leader emergence. Leadership Quarterly, 9: 147-160.

• Strange, J.M. & Mumford, M.D. 2002. The origins of vision - Charismatic versus ideological leadership. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 343-377.

• Vincent, A.S., Decker, B.P. & Mumford, M.D. 2002. Divergent thinking, intelligence, and expertise: A test of alternative models. Creativity Research Journal, 14: 163-178.

• Wong, C.S. & Law, K.S. 2002. The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and attitude: An exploratory study. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 243-274.

• Zaccaro, S.J., Mumford, M.D., Connelly, M.S., Marks, M.A. & Gilbert, J.A. 2000. Assessment of leader problem-solving capabilities. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 37-64.

• Agor, W.H. 1990. Intuition in Organizations: leading and managing productively. California, Sage Publications.

• Bazerman, M.H. 1986. Judgement in Managerial Decision Making. New York: Wiley.

• Churchland, P. 1999. Taking the mystery out of intuitive decision making. Academy of Management Executive, 13: 91-99.

• Cialdini, R. B. 2001. Harnessing the science of persuasion. Harvard Business Review, 79, 72.

• Conger, J. A. 1998. The necessary art of persuasion. Harvard Business Review, 76, 84.

• Dasborough, M. T. & Ashakansy, N. M. 2003. Is emotional intelligence training for leaders justified? Australian Journal of Psychology, 55, 120-121.

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• Gergen, D. 2003. How presidents persuade. Harvard Business Review, 81, 20.

• Goleman, D. 1998. What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 76, 92.

• Hammond, K.R. 1988. Research notes and communications on dominant logic, relatedness and the link between diversity and performance. Strategic Management Journal 9: 639-642.

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• Huber, G.P. 1980. Managerial Decision Making. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.

• Mayer, J. D., Goleman, D., Barrett, C., Gutstein, S., Boyatzis, R., Goldberg, E., Jung, A., Book, H., Goffee, R., Gergen, D., Harman, S., Lalich, J., George, W., Thomas, M. T., Bartz, C., Takeuchi, H., Stone, L. & Heifetz, R. 2004. Leading by feel. Harvard Business Review, 82, 27.

• Mumpower, J.L. 1996.Negotiation and design: Supporting resource allocation decisions through analytical mediation.Group-Decision-and-Negotiation. 5(4-6): 385-409.

• Offerman, L. R. 2004. When followers become toxic. Harvard Business Review, 82, 54.

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• Sebenius, J. K. 2001. Six habits of merely effective negotiators. Harvard Business Review, 79, 87.

• Shanteau, J. 1992. Competence in experts: The role of task characteristics. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 53, 252-266

• Simon, H. A. 1989. Making management decisions: The role of intuition and emotion. In Agor, Weston H. (Ed). Intuition in organizations: Leading and managing productively. (pp. 23-39). Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.

• Teglasi, H. & Seymour E. 1981. Minds and managers: On the dual nature of human information processing and management. Academy of Management Review 6: 187-195.

• Williams, G. A. & Miller, R. B. 2002. Change the way you persuade. Harvard Business Review, 80, 64.

• Yaziji, M. 2004. Turning gadflies into allies. Harvard Business Review, 82, 110.


Leadership and performance

• Connelly, M.S., Gilbert, J.A., Zaccaro, S.J., Threlfall, K.V., Marks, M.A. & Mumford, M.D. 2000. Exploring the relationship of leadership skills and knowledge to leader performance. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 65-86.

• Covey, S.R. 1990. Principle centered leadership. New York. Fireside Books.

• Covey, S.R. 1989. The seven habits of highly sucessfull people. New York. Fireside Books.

• Covey, S.R. 1999. The seven habits of highly effective teens. Stal Lake City. Franklin Convey Company.

• Ensari, N. & Murphy, S.E. 2003. Cross-cultural variations in leadership perceptions and attribution of charisma to the leader. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 92: 52-66.

• Hogan, R., Curphy, G.J. & Hogan, J. 1994. What We Know About Leadership - Effectiveness and Personality. American Psychologist, 49: 493-504.

• Kellett, J.B., Humphrey, R.H. & Sleeth, R.G. 2002. Empathy and complex task performance: two routes to leadership. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 523-544.

• Marshall-Mies, J.C., Fleishman, E.A., Martin, J.A., Zaccaro, S.J., Baughman, W.A. & McGee, M.L. 2000. Development and evaluation of cognitive and metacognitive measures for predicting leadership potential. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 135-153.

• Mumford, M.D., Connelly, S. & Gaddis, B. 2003. How creative leaders think: Experimental findings and cases. Leadership Quarterly, 14: 411-432.

• Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Connelly, M.S. & Marks, M.A. 2000a. Leadership skills: Conclusions and future directions. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 155-170.

• Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Harding, F.D., Jacobs, T.O. & Fleishman, E.A. 2000b. Leadership skills for a changing world: Solving complex social problems. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 11-35.

• Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Johnson, J.F., Diana, M., Gilbert, J.A. & Threlfall, K.V. 2000c. Patterns of leader characteristics: Implications for performance and development. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 115-133.

• Reiter-Palmon, R. & Illies, J.J. 2004. Leadership and creativity: Understanding leadership from a creative problem-solving perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 15: 55-77.

• Riggio, R.E., Riggio, H.R., Salinas, C. & Cole, E.J. 2003. The role of social and emotional communication skills in leader emergence and effectiveness. Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice, 7: 83-103.

• Smith, J.A. & Foti, R.J. 1998. A pattern approach to the study of leader emergence. Leadership Quarterly, 9: 147-160.

• Strange, J.M. & Mumford, M.D. 2002. The origins of vision - Charismatic versus ideological leadership. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 343-377.

• Vincent, A.S., Decker, B.P. & Mumford, M.D. 2002. Divergent thinking, intelligence, and expertise: A test of alternative models. Creativity Research Journal, 14: 163-178.

• Wong, C.S. & Law, K.S. 2002. The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and attitude: An exploratory study. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 243-274.

• Zaccaro, S.J., Mumford, M.D., Connelly, M.S., Marks, M.A. & Gilbert, J.A. 2000. Assessment of leader problem-solving capabilities. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 37-64.

For many proverbs are thought to contain the essence of wisdom. The following reference list includes collections of proverbs (paremiography), paremiology (the study of proverbs), literary analyses and cognitive analyses. Two other reference sources are the journals De Proverbio and Proverbium. De Proverbio was founded in 1995 as a multilingual electronic journal of international proverb studies. Proverbium is an English speaking journal published by Prof. Mieder (see references below) at the University of Vermont (USA).

• Blehr, O. 1973. What Is a Proverb? Fabula (Gottingen) 14: 243-46.

• Conenna M & Kleiber G. 2002. Metaphors in proverbs. Langue Francaise 134: 58-77.

• Epstein, R.1997. 'Folk Wisdom'. Psychology Today, 30 (6): 46.

• Gibbs, R.W. & Beitel, D. 1995. What proverb understanding reveals about how people think. Psychological Bulletin 118 (1): 133-154.

• Haas H.A. 2002. Extending the search for folk personality constructs: The dimensionality of the personality-relevant proverb domain J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 82 (4): 594-609.

• Honeck, R. P. 1997. A proverb in mind: the cognitive science of proverbial wit and wisdom. London: Erlbaum Associates.

• Hose S. 2001. The grammar of proverbial wisdom. With an accompanying analysis of widely known German proverbs Fabula 42 (3-4): 375-378.

• Iscla, L.S.J. 1995. English Proverbs and Their Near Equivalents in Spanish, French, Italian and Latin. New York.

• Klimkeit, H. J. 1993. Ethical issues in Indian proverbial wisdom Temenos. 29: 73-100.

• Lau, T. 1995. The best loved Chinese proverbs. New York, Harper Pereniall.

• Mieder, W. 1997. The politics of proverbs. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.

• Mieder, W. 1994. Wise words: essays on the proverb. New York: Garland.

• Mieder, W. 1993. Proverbs are never out of season: Popular wisdom in the Modern Age. New York: Oxford University Press.

• Mieder, W. 1990. Modern Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings - Whiting, Bj. Journal of American Folklore, 103: 215-218.

• Mieder, W. 1983. A Contextual Study of Arabic Proverbs - Barakat, R. Fabula, 24: 127-129.

• Mieder, W., & Dundes, A. 1981. The wisdom of many: Essays on the proverb. New York: Garland Publishing.

• Nichols, R. 1996. Maxims, "practical wisdom," and the language of action. Political Theory, 24, 687-705.

• Norrick, N.R. 1985. How proverbs mean: semantic studies in English proverbs. Berlin.

• Nussbaum, S. 1996. The african proverbs CD: collections, studies, bibliographies. Colorado Springs, Global International Mapping.

• Perry, T. A. 1993. Wisdom literature and the structure of proverbs. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

• Plopper C.H. 1969. Chinese religion seen through the proverb. New York, Paragon Book Reprint Corporation.

• Rogers, T. B. 1990. Proverbs as psychological theories. Or is it the other way around? Canadian Psychology, 31, 195-207.

• Van Lancker, D. 2000. A neurolinguistic perspective on proverbs and the laws of life. In Warren S. Brown (Ed.) Understanding Wisdom: sources, science and society. pp215-245. Templeton Foundation Press, Philadelphia.

Psychological theories on wisdom have developed mainly during the last two decades. Early developments are strongly associated with studies on gerontology. In fact, a great body of the literature on wisdom is associated with studies in the field of life-span human development and aging. Although multidimensional, the concept of wisdom is, within this literature, mostly associated to cognitive competencies.


• Alexander, C. N., & Langer, E. J. 1990. Higher Stages of Human Development: Perspective on Adult Growth. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Ardelt, M. 2000. Intellectual versus wisdom-related knowledge: The case for a different kind of learning in the later years of life. Educational Gerontology, 26: 771-789

• Arlin, P. K. 1990. Wisdom: the art of problem finding. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Wisdom: its nature, origins, and development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Baltes, P.B. & Kunzmann, U. 2003. Wisdom. Psychologist 16: 131-133.

• Baltes, P. B., & Staudinger, U. M. 2000. A metaheuristic (pragmatic) to orchestrate mind and virtue toward excellence. American Psychologist 55: 122-136.

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• Baltes, P. B., & Staudinger, U. M. 1996. Interactive minds: Life-span perspectives on the social foundation of cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

• Baltes, P. B., Staudinger, U. M., Maercker, A., & Smith, J. 1995. People nominated as wise: A comparative study of wisdom-related knowledge. Psychology and Aging, 10, 155-166.

• Baltes, P. B., & Staudinger, U. M. 1993. The search for a psychology of wisdom. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2, 75-80.

• Baltes, P. B., Smith, J., & Staudinger, U. M. 1992. Wisdom and successful aging. In T. Sonderegger (Ed.), Nebraska symposium on motivation (Vol. 39, pp. 123-167). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

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