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A Polyhedron Model of Wisdom:

A Systematic Review of the Wisdom Studies in Psychology, Management and Leadership, and Education

Abstract: No consensus on a definition of wisdom exists. Hence, 50 articles were systematically reviewed from the fields of psychology, management and leadership, and education to examine points of consensus among conceptions of wisdom. These articles were limited to the most cited peer-reviewed articles published between 2006 and 2018 that include wisdom in the title and key words. Based on the review, the Polyhedron Model of Wisdom was developed with components that characterize wisdom including knowledge management, self-regulation, altruism and moral maturity, openness and tolerance, sound judgment and decision making, intelligence and creative thinking, and dynamic balance and synthesis translated into action. This study is a step toward defining wisdom components upon which strategies to foster wisdom could be built. In the future, researchers should investigate ways of fostering wisdom through enhancing components of wisdom.

Click on the citation to read the article:

Karami, S., Ghahremani, M., Parra-Martinez, F. A., & Gentry, M. (2020). A polyhedron model of wisdom: A systematic review of the wisdom studies in psychology, management and leadership, and education. Roeper Review42(4), 241-257.